Alaskan Brewing company, a Cook Book Cover and a Super Bowl ad, have a look…
“Ahh…beer. Not just any beer, but one of our favorites: Alaskan Brewing Company’s famous
Amber blend. And this is where the story gets interesting...

And, Happy Birthday to Cartoonist Mike Peters! Also today!
Annnd, Happy Birthday to Mother Goose and Grimm Cartoonist Mike Peters! That’s today too!

Sending the best birthday wishes to comic book artist Matt Wagner today!
Happy Birthday to Comic Book Artist/Illustrator Matt Wagner, That’s today October 9th!

Sending Happy Birthday Wishes to Comic Book Artist Paul gulacy
It is the middle of August, so hard to believe, the year is just rushing by! I just wanted slow down and take a moment to send Happy Birthday wishes to Comic Book Artist/ Illustrator Paul Gulacy!
If you have been anywhere near comic books for the past 50 years you know Paul's work.

Happy Birthday to “Mutts” cartoonist Patrick Mcdonnell, march 17th!
It's Thursday, March 17th, Happy St. Patrick’s day! Running a little late today, But didn’t want to miss the chance to wish Cartoonist/ Illustrator Patrick McDonnell, a very Happy Birthday!!!

Happy 74th birthday to cartoonist art spiegelman
Happy 74th Birthday to Cartoonist Art Spiegelman